IPC Offences Punishable with Death Sentences | Death Penalty under IPC | Judicial Exams Coaching
IPC Offences Punishable with Death Sentences | Death Penalty under IPC | Capital Punishment in IPC | Judicial Exams Coaching | Death Penalty under Indian Penal Code | Capital Punishment under Indian Penal Code | Death Penal under Indian Penal Code, 1860 | Best IPC Lecture | IPC Lecture Series | IPC Lecture by Rakesh Kapoor Sir | Judicial Competition Times Section 120B IPC, Being a party to a criminal conspiracy to commit a capital offence, Section 121 IPC, Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging of war, against the Government of India, Section 132 IPC, Abetting a mutiny in the armed forces (if a mutiny occurs as a result), engaging in mutiny, Section 194 IPC, Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure a conviction of a capital offence, Section 302/303 IPC, Murder, Section 305 IPC, Abetting the suicide of a minor, Section 364A IPC, Kidnapping, in the course of which the victim was held for ransom or other coercive purposes, Section 376A, Rape if the perpetrator inflicts injuries that result in the victim's death or incapacitation in a persistent vegetative state, or is a repeat offender, Section 396 IPC, Banditry with murder – in cases where a group of five or more individuals commit banditry and one of them commits murder in the course of that crime, all members of the group are liable for the death penalty, Section 4 of Prevention of Sati Act, Aiding or abetting an act of Sati, Section 31A, Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, Drug trafficking in cases of repeat offences IMPORTANT LINKS OF OFFICIAL WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMaD... YouTube Handler - @judicialcompetitiontimes Official Website - https://judicialcompetitiontimes.in/ Facebook Page - https://judicialcompetitiontimes.in/ Link to register online coaching classes -https://judicialcompetitiontimes.in/Account/Register Link to choose courses - https://judicialcompetitiontimes.in/Courses/Index --------------------------------- Hash Tags #judicialcompetitiontimes #IPC #ipclectures #judicialexams