Applications are invited from the eligible practicing Advocates for filling –up 02 (Two) vacant posts of ADDITIONAL DISTRICT AND SESSIONS JUDGES, by direct recruitment, in the Uttarakhand Higher Judicial Service

Applications are invited from the eligible practicing Advocates for filling –up 02 (Two) vacant posts of ADDITIONAL DISTRICT AND SESSIONS JUDGES, by direct recruitment, in the Uttarakhand Higher Judicial Service

Applications are invited from the eligible practicing Advocates for filling –up 02 (Two) vacant posts of ADDITIONAL DISTRICT AND SESSIONS JUDGES, by direct recruitment, in the Uttarakhand Higher Judicial Service, in the pay scale of ₹51,550-1,230-58,930-1,380-63,070, in accordance with the provisions of the Uttarakhand Higher Judicial Service Rules - 2004 (as amended). Publish Date: 22-04-2021

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