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Tips for UP PCS-J 2015 -GS Paper - Indo-Bangladesh agreement on border land
1. India & Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement Ministry of External Affairs Government of India content Executive Summary NOTE on land boundary Agreement Annexures Annexure I: Map depicting undemarcated segments and adverse possessions Annexure II: Map depicting Enclaves in India and Bangladesh Annexure III: Agreement between the government of the Republic of India and the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh concerning the demarcation of the land boundary between India and Bangladesh and related matters – May 16, 1974 Annexure IV: Letters exchanged on the transfer of Tin Bigha – March 26, 1992 Annexure V: Protocol to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh concerning the demarcation of the land boundary between India and Bangladesh and related matters -September 6, 2011 Annexure VI: List of Bangladesh Enclaves in India Annexure VII: List of Indian Enclaves in Bangladesh Annexure VIII: Territories in Adverse Possessions to be transferred to India Annexure IX: Territories in Adverse Possessions to be transferred to Bangladesh frequently asked questions 02 07 29 30 31 38 42 48 50 53 54 56