Syllabus Syllabus UK PCS-J Exam 2019
Examination Plan and Syllabus for the Examination
(1) Preliminary written Entrance (Screening) Examination:
The preliminary written entrance examination paper will be divided into two parts.
Part-I will be of 50 marks and Part-II will be of 150 marks.
There will be objective type test on the following subjects:-
Part-I :- General Knowledge. It will include day to day happenings around India and the World, particularly in the legal spheres. The questions may relate mainly to international law, neutrality, recent legislation pronouncement particularly Indian Constitution, law and development and legal aspects but it will not be confined to this only.
Part-II :-It will cover the following Acts and Laws – Transfer of Properties Act, Principle of Hindu Laws and Principle of Muslim Laws, Evidence Act, Code of Criminal Procedure, Indian Penal Code, Civil Procedure Code.
(2) Main written Examination and Viva-voice Examination (Interview):
The examination will include the following subjects; each subject will carry the number of mark shown against it:
Subject - Mark
1- The Present Day- 150
2- Language- 100
3- Law: Paper I - Substantive Law -200
4- Law: Paper II - Evidence & Procedure- 200
5- Law: Paper III - Revenue & Criminal- 200
6- For Basic Knowledge of computer Operation Practical Examination- 100
7- Viva-Voce -100
(1) The Present Day - This paper is designed to test the candidate’s knowledge of the reactions to what is happening in India and the world generally at the present day, particularly in the legal sphere and also his power of expression in English. Questions, the answers to which should be in essay form will relate mainly to jurisprudence, international law, neutrality, recent legislation, particularly- Indian constitutional law and developments, especially on their legal aspect and so on but will not be confined to them. Credit will be given both for substance and expression; conversely deduction will be made for bad expression, including faults of grammar, misuse of words etc.
(2) Language - A passage in English will be set and the candidate will be required to translate it into the ordinary language spoken in the courts, using the Devnagri Script --------- Marks 30 Likewise a passage of Hindi will be required to be translated in ordinary English language. --------- Marks 30
There will be English Précis writing also. --------- Marks 40
(3) Law: Paper I-Substantive Law - The questions set will be restricted to the field covered byThe law of contracts; the law of partnership; the law concerning casements and torts; the law relating to transfer of property; including the principles of equity specially applicable thereto; the principles 15 -Sdof equity, with special reference to the Law of Trust and specific relief. Hindu Law and Mohammedan Law.
(4) Law: Paper II - Evidence and Procedure - The field will be that covered by the Law of Evidence, The Criminal Procedure Code and Code of Civil Procedure, including the principles of pleading. The questions set will relate mainly to practical matters; such as the framing of charges and issues the methods of dealing with the evidence of witness, the writing of judgment and the conduct of cases generally but will not be restricted to them.
(5) Law: Paper III- Revenue & Criminal - U.P. Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act (as applicable in Uttarakhand) and Indian Penal Code. (3) For Basic Knowledge of computer Operation Practical Examination: Microsoft Windows Operating system and Microsoft Office Maximum Marks – 100 Minimum Qualifying Marks to be obtained – 40 Time allowed: One Hour The paper shall be set from the given syllabus broadly taking one question from each i.e. -
(1) Windows and internet.
(2) M.S. - word.
(3) M.S. - Access.
(4) M.S. - Excel and
(5) M.S. - Power Point.
Each question shall have five actions to be performed on the system each having four marks. Printout of the output shall be taken and given for evaluation.
(4) Viva-Voce- 100 Marks The suitability of the candidate for employment in the Judicial Service will be tested with reference to his record at School, College and University and his personality, address and physique. The questions which may be put to him may be of a general nature and will not necessarily be of an academic or legal nature.
(i) The marks obtained in viva-voice will be added to the marks obtained in the written papers and the candidates place will depend on the aggregate of both.
(ii) The Commission reserve the right to refuse to call for viva-voice and candidate who has not obtained such marks in the Law Papers as to justify such refusal.